Labor Day – AKA The UNOFFICAiL End To The Summer Of CROM 2019!

Hard to believe another summer came and went, and this is our first post of The Summer Of CROM 2019! We took a lot of time to get baring in orders over this summer, with a few shows and specials along the way. Our most notable event being of course #ABetterSunriseForSonora only this was #ABetterSunriseForSonora2019 with #RedHillRamblers #Rockabilly and once again #TheWhatNows?! #Ska! Here are all 5 videos from that sent in order of shortest to longest!

  1. Burnouts, Beers, and Bad Decisions – #ABetterSunriseForSonora2019 – 1 MINUTE VERSION! 
  2. Burnouts, Beers, and Bad Decisions – #ABetterSunriseForSonora2019 – EPIC INTRO ONLY!
  3. Burnouts, Beers, and Bad Decisions – #ABetterSunriseForSonora2019 – Best Of!
  4. Red Hill Ramblers – Beers, Burnouts, and Bad Decisions – #ABetterSunriseForSonora 2019 FULL SET!
  5. The What Nows?! – Beers, Burnouts, and Bad Decisions – #ABetterSunriseForSonora 2019 FULL SET!


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