This Is 2017 Year Ender Long and Short Versions Now Available!

Both year ender videos are now up for your viewing pleasure on our official YouTube channel! 

Lucky number 7, as in 7 years strong with the CROMAIDz. These years really have gone by fast. Thanks to all the bands and more importantly fans who have kept this monster alive for this long. Each year just seems to get bigger, better, and harder to condense into the under 10 minute version. Let’s relive 2017 all year round, this year we actually got both videos done a few days earlier than usual. Even though the radio stations cut the holiday music at midnight December 26, and you start to receive calls/emails from your township about Christmas tree collections, it is still the Holi-DAZE! We here at Cromaidz are not done celebrating yet, and neither should you be! Please enjoy and as always: like, share, comment, and subscribe for the best in Greater Philadelphia Area Music!

Here’s The Longer Version-

Here’s the shorter 7 minutes and 35 second version!



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